What is certain is that our habits have changed, even though it’s hard to accept.
Imagine a concert at the Arena di Verona, with no audience.
You could watch it from your couch, by yourself.
Atti Osceni takes us in a nostalgic journey where life on tour, sweaty bodies, diving into the crowd, jumping shoulder to shoulder, waving a lighter and hug a stranger, moved, just like you, for that same song. Feels like it hasn’t happened in decades.
Atti Osceni is a fanzine where photos are juxtaposed to laws of the Italian civil and penal code, the Constitution, the Code of Performances and other regulations, as to remind us of our own contradictions and faults and our inability to catch up with the times and really protect ourselves.
Photos: Chiara Mirelli
Project Editing: Federico Dragogna
Design: Daniele Miradoli
First edition – July 2020 | 60 copies | SOLD OUT
Second edition – October 2020 | 30 copies
Price: € 25.00